Tcpdump Packet Loss on Busy Servers

Often I run into problems when trying to use mk-query-digest with tcpdump on “very” busy hosts. You might be thinking, “very busy is a relative and unquantifiable term,” and you’d be right, so I’ll phrase this differently. Let me give a little background to the problem first. Mk-query-digest tries to handle dropped or missing packets gracefully, but even so they can skew results dramatically. Imagine a situation where a single connection sends two queries and gets two responses, with a response time of R for each request, and a wait time of W between the requests. If the first response and second request are dropped by the kernel, the result – from mk-query-digest’s perspective – is that the database took 2R + W time to respond to the first request.

 Possible Solutions to Using tcpdump on Busy Servers

Back to the question of, “what is a very busy host?” In my experience, if you are getting even 5% of tcpdump packets dropped by the kernel, the results can be skewed enough to cause confusion about which queries are really slow. Recently, I got more than 60% dropped packets on a server with roughly 50MB/s of traffic on port 3306, system load of about 10, and 8 CPU cores. The resulting mk-query-digest output was obviously bogus when compared to the host’s slow-query-log (for example, none of the top 5 slow queries reported by mkqd appeared in the actual slow log file). After a little brain-storming, we came up with a few solutions:

  1. use “mk-query-digest –filter ‘$event->{time} && $event->{time} > 1′” to exclude all queries which it believes took longer than the servers long-query-time of 1 second
  2. tcpdump traffic only from a small and representative subset of clients
  3. tcpdump a modulo of incoming ports (including port 3306, because we must capture the responses from mysqld)

#1 has an obvious flaw — if your long-query-time is 1 second, and mkqd believes that a query which actually took 10ms instead took 0.9s, the results are still useless. That is to say, this doesn’t actually solve the real problem of dropped packets, it just applies a mask to the output. #2 seems like the simplest good solution, but when I tested this, I still got very high percentage of dropped packets (around 30% when filtering only 4 out of hundreds of active clients). While this is lower than without the filter, it is still unusable. #3 actually worked very well and resulted in about 0.2% packet loss on this host, which is acceptable — the variances are statistically smoothed out and don’t noticeably affect the results. Here is the tcpdump command used.

I also had to forward the tcpdump output to another host for processing because the database host couldn’t handle the additional IO or CPU pressure of either writing it to a file or piping it to mk-query-digest. Here is a draft of a script to automate this; use at your own risk and update to suit your needs.


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Baron Schwartz

I’m not very fresh on my TCP headers and I don’t remember what’s in various positions. What is the net effect of this expression?

tcp[1] & 7 == 2 and tcp[3] & 7 == 2


On this example it has no effect, as port 3306 is more precise. tcp[0,1] sourceport and tcp[2,3] dstport (rfc 793).


Ahh of course no effect is wrong. At least of the ports got to be 3306 (port=3306) the AND check for that dst/src-port is fulfilled anyway (3306) and the other one got to fullfill &7 == 2.

So one could use instead “dst port 3306” to match mysql server and do some portfiltering on tcp[0,1] I would prefer hosts.


Devananda .. right I missed that.

Anthony DeRobertis

Another approach, if you have the hardware: enable port mirroring on your switch, and capture the traffic on an otherwise idle host with enough disk bandwidth to do so.

Baron Schwartz

I just used this trick, worked like a charm.

207815 packets captured
214152 packets received by filter
6324 packets dropped by kernel

Baron Schwartz

I just used this trick, worked like a charm.

207815 packets captured
214152 packets received by filter
6324 packets dropped by kernel

Anthony DeRobertis

Another approach, if you have the hardware: enable port mirroring on your switch, and capture the traffic on an otherwise idle host with enough disk bandwidth to do so.


Devananda .. right I missed that.


Ahh of course no effect is wrong. At least of the ports got to be 3306 (port=3306) the AND check for that dst/src-port is fulfilled anyway (3306) and the other one got to fullfill &7 == 2.

So one could use instead “dst port 3306″ to match mysql server and do some portfiltering on tcp[0,1] I would prefer hosts.


On this example it has no effect, as port 3306 is more precise. tcp[0,1] sourceport and tcp[2,3] dstport (rfc 793).

Baron Schwartz

I’m not very fresh on my TCP headers and I don’t remember what’s in various positions. What is the net effect of this expression?

tcp[1] & 7 == 2 and tcp[3] & 7 == 2

Pascal Schmiel

You can improve the rate even further if you first capture the traffic to a file using tcpdump’s “-w” option and parse it later with “tcpdump -r”.

Using /usr/sbin/tcpdump -i eth1 -c 100000 -s0 -x -nn -q -tttt ‘port 3306 and tcp[1] & 7 == 2 and tcp[3] & 7 == 2’ | /usr/bin/mk-query-digest –type=tcpdump :

100000 packets captured
195794 packets received by filter
95664 packets dropped by kernel

And now using /usr/sbin/tcpdump -i eth1 -c 100000 -s0 -w /tmp/snoopfile ‘port 3306 and tcp[1] & 7 == 2 and tcp[3] & 7 == 2’; /usr/sbin/tcpdump -r /tmp/snoopfile -s0 -x -nn -q -tttt | /usr/bin/mk-query-digest –type=tcpdump :

100000 packets captured
100286 packets received by filter
220 packets dropped by kernel

Erik Brakkee

I have been using the performance optimization with the tcp flags filtering in tcpdump for some time. Yesterday however, I found out that I could not capture any packets anymore on a number of hosts (not all). All of these hosts are running Centos 6 (various versions). I could not figure out what the problem was so had to remove the TCP flags again.


I really suggest to store the raw log (I can intercept easily 200Mbit/s with very low cpu usage) and later process it.