This blog was published in January of 2021 and updated in April of 2024.

As with any database platform, MongoDB performance is of paramount importance to keeping your application running quickly.  In this blog post, we’ll show you five configuration options that can impact the performance for your MongoDB Deployment and will help keep your database fast and performing at its peak.

MongoDB Performance Overview

MongoDB performance consists of several factors; there’s OS Settings, DB Configuration Settings, DB Internal Settings, Memory Settings, and Application Settings.  This post is going to focus on the MongoDB database configuration options around performance and how to set them.  These options are ones that are set in the database configuration itself and can impact your performance.

MongoDB Configuration Options

So how do we ensure our performance configuration options are enabled or set up correctly?  And which ones are the most important?  We’ll now go through five configuration options that will help your MongoDB environment be performant!

MongoDB uses a configuration file in the YAML file format.  The configuration file is usually found in the following locations, depending on your Operating System:


  • On Linux, a default /etc/mongod.conf configuration file is included when using a package manager to install MongoDB.
  • On Windows, a default <install directory>/bin/mongod.cfg configuration file is included during the installation.
  • On macOS, a default /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf configuration file is included when installing from MongoDB’s official Homebrew tap.



Our first configuration option to help with your MongoDB performance is storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB.

Since MongoDB 3.0, MongoDB has used WiredTiger as its default Storage Engine, so we’ll be examining MongoDB Memory Performance from a WiredTiger perspective. By default, MongoDB will reserve 50% of the available memory – 1 GB for the WiredTiger cache or 256 MB, whichever is greater.  For example, a system with 16 GB of RAM would have a WiredTiger cache size of 7.5 GB.

The size of this cache is important to ensure WiredTiger is performant. It’s worth taking a look to see if you should alter it from the default. A good rule of thumb is that the size of the cache should be large enough to hold the entire application working set.

Note that if you’re in a containerized environment, you may also need to set the configuration option to 50% – 1 GB of the memory that is available to the container.  MongoDB may adhere to the container’s memory limits or it may get the host’s memory limit, depending on how the system call is returned when MongoDB asks.  You can verify what MongoDB believes the memory limit is by running:

And checking the hostinfo.system.memLimitMB value.  This is available from MongoDB 3.6.13+ and MongoDB 4.0.9+ forward.

How do we know whether to increase or decrease our cache size? Look at the cache usage statistics:

There’s a lot of data here about WiredTiger’s cache, but we can focus on the following fields:

Looking at the above values, we can determine if we need to up the size of the WiredTiger cache for our instance. Additionally, we can look at the wiredTiger.cache.pages read into cache value for read-heavy applications. If this value is consistently high, increasing the cache size may improve overall read performance.


Our second configuration option is storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.directoryForIndexes.

Setting this value to true creates two directories in your storage.dbPath directory, one named collection which will hold your collection data files, and another one named index which will hold your index data files.  This allows you to create separate storage volumes for collections and indexes if you wish, which can spread the amount of disk I/O across each volume, but with most modern storage options you can get the same performance benefits by just striping your disk across two volumes (RAID 0).  This can help separate index I/O from collection-based I/O and reduce storage based latencies, although index-based I/O is unlikely to be costly due to its smaller size.

Further Reading: A Comprehensive Guide on MongoDB Indexes to Better Performance


Our third configuration option is storage.wiredTiger.collectionConfig.blockCompressor.

This option sets the compression options for all of your collection data.  Possible values for this parameter are none, snappy (default), zlib, and zstd.  So how does compression help your performance?  The WiredTiger cache generally stores changes uncompressed, with the exception of some very large documents. Now we need to write that uncompressed data to disk.

Compression Types:

Snappy compression is fairly straightforward, snappy compression gathers your data up to a maximum of 32KB, compresses your data, and if compression is successful, writes the block rounded up to the nearest 4KB.

Zlib compression works a little differently; it will gather more data and compress enough to fill a 32KB block on disk. This is more CPU-intensive but generally results in better compression ratios (independent of the inherent differences between snappy and zlib).

Zstd is a newer compression algorithm, developed by Facebook that offers improvements over zlib (better compression rates, less CPU intensive, faster performance).

Which compression algorithm to choose depends greatly on your workload.  For most write-heavy workloads, snappy compression will perform better than zlib and zstd but will require more disk space.  For read-heavy workloads, zstd is often the best choice because of its better decompression rates.


Another configuration option to help with MongoDB performance is storage.directoryPerDB.

Similar to the above configuration file option, storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.directoryForIndexes, setting this value to true creates a separate directory in your storage.dbPath for each database in your MongoDB instance.  This allows you to create separate storage volumes for each database if you wish, which can spread the amount of disk I/O across each volume.  This can help when you have multiple databases with intensive I/O needs. Additionally, if you use this parameter in tandem with storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.directorForIndexes, your directory structure will look like this:


Our final configuration option that can help keep your database performant is the net.compression.compressors configuration option.

This option allows you to compress the network traffic between your mongos, mongod, and even your mongo shell. There are currently three types of compression available, snappy, zlib, and zstd. Since MongoDB 3.6, compression has been enabled by default.  In MongoDB 3.6 and 4.0, snappy was the default.  Since MongoDB 4.2, the default is now snappy, zstd, and zlib compressors, in that order.  It’s also important to note that you must have at least one mutual compressor on each side of your network conversation for compression to happen.  For example, if your shell uses zlib compression but you have your mongod set to only accept snappy compression, then no compression will occur between the two. If both accept zstd compression, then zstd compression would be used between them.  When compression is set it can be very helpful in reducing replication lag and overall reducing network latency as the size of the data moving across the network is decreased, sometimes dramatically.  In cloud environments, setting this configuration option can also lead to decreased data transfer costs.

Elevate Your MongoDB Database Performance with Percona

In this blog post, we’ve gone over five MongoDB configuration options to ensure you have a more performant MongoDB deployment.  We hope that these configuration options will help you build more performant MongoDB deployments and avoid slowdowns and bottlenecks.   Thanks for reading!

Our MongoDB Performance Tuning eBook is a collection of insights, strategies, and best practices from Percona’s MongoDB experts. Use it to diagnose — and correct — the issues that may be affecting your database’s performance.


Download now: Master MongoDB Performance



What are the top performance-related configuration options in MongoDB?

The top performance-related configuration options in MongoDB include:

  • storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB, which specifies the amount of RAM for WiredTiger to use for data caching. This setting is crucial for optimizing data retrieval and overall database performance.
  • net.maxIncomingConnections, which determines the maximum number of simultaneous connections the database can handle, directly influencing the database’s ability to manage concurrent users or tasks.
  • operationProfiling.mode and operationProfiling.slowOpThresholdMs, which control the operation profiling level and set the threshold for considering operations slow. These settings are vital for monitoring and improving the database’s performance by identifying and addressing slow operations.


How do MongoDB configuration settings affect overall database performance?

Configuration settings in MongoDB directly influence how the database handles workloads. Adjusting parameters related to memory allocation, connection limits, and query profiling can lead to significant improvements in response times and throughput, as well as more efficient resource usage.

What are the key considerations when adjusting MongoDB configuration for optimal performance?

  • Assess the workload type (read-heavy, write-heavy, mixed) to tailor configuration appropriately.
  • Monitor current performance metrics to establish baselines.
  • Prioritize adjustments that address identified bottlenecks without negatively impacting other areas.

How can MongoDB configuration adjustments mitigate potential performance bottlenecks?

Addressing performance bottlenecks involves:

  • Increasing cache size to enhance read performance if memory is available.
  • Adjusting net.maxIncomingConnections and operationProfiling settings to manage load and identify slow operations.
  • Fine-tuning indexes and query patterns based on the operation profiling results to reduce unnecessary workloads on the database.

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Narendra Pal

I have a mongoDB 4.0 deployment which uses snappy compression by default. I use JAVA mongodb driver 3.9. In the driver I don’t explicitly specify any compression method.
Here are my questions:

1. Will there be any compression used between mongodb driver and mongodb?
2. When I make a query, the snappy compressed data is uncompressed and then sent to client (in case of no client compression method), is this correct?

João Paulo

directoryForIndexes not work here. In any way that i try. Do you have any specification about it? Like, does not work with cacheSizeGB ?